What we do

Art Adventure
Have you ever thought you'd like to draw when visiting museums and art galleries in Cambridge; but felt you would benefit from the support of a group? Then Art Adventure is for you!
You will visit various venues with a likeminded, welcoming group where you will be able to draw from the images and artefacts in a supportive environment.

Arts on Prescription
Our 12-week programme of arts workshops for adults over the age of 18 who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety, depression and/or stress. It is run in a variety of venues throughout Cambridge and Peterborough.
Led by a professional artist and a qualified counsellor, this programme offers the chance to explore working with a wide range of materials and techniques - no experience necessary!

Creative Café
Our Creative Café is an informal and friendly drop-in that is open to everyone, though we particularly encourage people who may be experiencing anxiety, depression or looking to develop social connections to come along!
Creative Café Central Cambridge - coming soon
Creative Café @ The Norris - runs on the second Monday of the month (10:30-12:30).

Our pottery group provides a safe and therapeutic environment for anyone diagnosed with dementia or other neurological challenges, and their carers. Sessions allow our members to enjoy success within a safe and social setting, experiencing handling clay and being guided to create objects that are then glazed and professionally fired.
No experience is necessary and we meet bi-weekly at St Martin's Church Centre in Cambridge on Friday afternoons. Please contact us for more details.

Creative Break
This initiative provides art sessions for organisations committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of their employees.
If you would like to book a Creative Break and wellbeing session for your team you can email admin@artsandminds.org.uk